Saturday, 26 May 2012

The Arrival of My Cousins

  My uncle and his children visit us again. Not visit at all actually, the purpose they come to see me was my cousin was having some problems on her holiday homework. My loyal dog, Grey do the same thing every time he saw strangers---barking. And also the people always visit me include my uncle and cousins too. Except his hosts. When my uncle's car appears, Greys keep barking like a crazy guy. Then comes out my mom opens the big door of my house.

  My cousin, Ah Teng comes to asking homework problems was not first time yesterday. They had often comes to my house during nowadays. My mom felt annoyed. My mom always urged Ah Teng to ask me hurriedly so they can get back to home earlier. Ah Teng a little quite different yesterday. She wore beautiful dress. Black.

  After entering the door of my house, my uncles sat down. My another cousin, Di Di started keep watching surroundings and took anything to begin his playing. Ah Teng just doing the homework. Sometimes, she don't know to write some difficult words, I just taught her by gripping her hands and taught her how to write that word about. After finished the homework, I gave her some books to read and tried to explain the contents of it. By the way, Di Di always go everwhere and take anything to paly. Not just about this, he also keep followed us where we go for. Haiz~He's truly a GuoDongr.

 It's near 10 pm, my uncle took them went to their home. It's good with them. The arrival of my cousins bring the merriment and happiness to me.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Fall Apart.


  Fall apart. It's fall apart. I'm done. Why? Why? Why it will be like that? My ear continues that voice comes out from my own heart seriously. My hope is break. I'm hopeless. And helpless.

 Why? Why? Is it gonna be bad? Is it be that bad? I don't know. I not yet know. I will know after open school. Hopping that will not happen. It's my thought. My thought, right?

  I don't know. What I can say is, be all ready. Hope you Good Luck.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Titanic Show

  5月1日(星期二),这一天是劳动节。不久前,家喻户晓的 Titamic 电影片在关丹上映了。爸爸今天休假,便带我们一家三口到 EC Mall 去买戏院票。对我而言是一件值得开心的事,因为我等待这部电影片的到来已有好一阵子了。但是,对于戏院票的价钱这一方面,妈妈似乎有稍微不满意。

  晚上八点半,我们进入了电影大厅。这一部电影片是 3D的,也就表示我生平第二次观赏3D电影片。广告刚开始放映,我们各自都戴上了设有3D effect 眼镜。接着就是一部感人的电影片的开头。

    故事中描述一位101岁的 Rose阿婆讲述84年前在一艘名 Titanic 船上的遭遇。当年,由于她的父亲生前欠了一大股债,因此她被逼与 Hockley 订婚。有一天,她想不开便想自尽,幸好即使被 Jack 救了上来。之后,他们之间的感情就逐渐地发展。可是后来,悲剧却连续不断地发生。Titanic 在航海时撞倒了大冰山,在接下来的数小时将会沉入 Atlantic 的大海洋里,成千上万的性命可能会被夺走。直到最后,他们是否能够逃出死神的魔掌呢?

  大约三个小时后,电影片终于结束在一个完美的结局中,大家也陆陆续续回家去了。在回家的路途中,我感到有一股莫名的失落感。不过,我还蛮喜欢这部感人的电影片。在此,我真希望它能够受到大家的称颂而流芳百世。Titanic, you're the best movie I had ever seen! ♥