Sunday, 22 April 2012
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Have a Good Time!
Today, I visited grandpa with my mother. After my grandpa welcome us to his house, my naughty cousin keep pull me to go into her room. Even her brother too! I feel helpless because of them...Ah!
Both of them were so naughty lorr, you know? One keeps calling me, one keeps annoying me! Haizz~But it's fine, they still young, they need someone elder to enjoy their world---playing. I was glad I have cousins like them.
I show those photos I snap to my cousin, Teng Teng. From her, I know she was really a rabbit lover. She keeps asking me the rabbit photos. But, my cousin Di Di still 3 years old, he keeps annoying us. Suddenly, he uses his toy gun to hit me, wahhhh! How painful is it! Only a few of words can be mention about his action, Ge Po Lo!
He still young, he don't know anything. So I forgive him. And 1 more thing is, when I show the movie Jurassic Park I recorded in my phone, she was very very nervous and anxiety. Her both eyes never get away from it! She told me, one day she met a huge dinosaur, she beat its head, hands, legs, and also bones too! Then, suddenly come out her family tried to help her to defeat that dinosaur! Haha~What's a funny story I had never heard before.
But, she still a child, she still young, she doesn't know anything, she just live in her own wonderful world herself. Her world includes many illusion that her thoughts. So, I just try to match up with her. Crazy? No, what I say it before? She's young, she's pure, that's all. I told her about her aunt, that's my mom was so great, she can using legs to kick off a dinosaur! Wahahaha! But she believe it! I never said a such funny thing before lorr...
Soon, it is getting late now, my mom and me gonna go home. When we wanna leave, she was so really not willing to watch us leaving. I promise her I'll visited her again. It's really good when I spend time with them. Have a good time! Message by, Karipap.
Both of them were so naughty lorr, you know? One keeps calling me, one keeps annoying me! Haizz~But it's fine, they still young, they need someone elder to enjoy their world---playing. I was glad I have cousins like them.
I show those photos I snap to my cousin, Teng Teng. From her, I know she was really a rabbit lover. She keeps asking me the rabbit photos. But, my cousin Di Di still 3 years old, he keeps annoying us. Suddenly, he uses his toy gun to hit me, wahhhh! How painful is it! Only a few of words can be mention about his action, Ge Po Lo!
He still young, he don't know anything. So I forgive him. And 1 more thing is, when I show the movie Jurassic Park I recorded in my phone, she was very very nervous and anxiety. Her both eyes never get away from it! She told me, one day she met a huge dinosaur, she beat its head, hands, legs, and also bones too! Then, suddenly come out her family tried to help her to defeat that dinosaur! Haha~What's a funny story I had never heard before.
But, she still a child, she still young, she doesn't know anything, she just live in her own wonderful world herself. Her world includes many illusion that her thoughts. So, I just try to match up with her. Crazy? No, what I say it before? She's young, she's pure, that's all. I told her about her aunt, that's my mom was so great, she can using legs to kick off a dinosaur! Wahahaha! But she believe it! I never said a such funny thing before lorr...
Soon, it is getting late now, my mom and me gonna go home. When we wanna leave, she was so really not willing to watch us leaving. I promise her I'll visited her again. It's really good when I spend time with them. Have a good time! Message by, Karipap.
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~ See how naughty my cousin is ! ~ |
Am I Think Too Much?
Am I think too much? Am I think too much? I really don't know it.
Even Timun also realize my mind lorr...That day, she asking me either me write that status is mentioned about her or not, I not admit cause I don't want to hurt her. Actually, I did mention her indeed. I thought she was tried to escape from me, then she said I was too sensitive ady...
Maybe Timun was right, I also think I am too sensitive already, my friends just get off from me far a little, but I thought they don't care for me anymore! Are they getting far from me? Are they try to get rid from me? What's on my mind?
Now, I sure I am thinking of too much beyond what I think of. Seriously? They're not escaped or even get rid from me. After the incident between Howard & me, many friends was support and try to comfort me to calmed down my emotion. Many friends of mine was still cared for me. In the end, we become friends again.
I think I shouldn't think too much. I should put down anything what I think. I'm so sorry to Timun & also all my friends. Message by, Karipap.
Even Timun also realize my mind lorr...That day, she asking me either me write that status is mentioned about her or not, I not admit cause I don't want to hurt her. Actually, I did mention her indeed. I thought she was tried to escape from me, then she said I was too sensitive ady...
Maybe Timun was right, I also think I am too sensitive already, my friends just get off from me far a little, but I thought they don't care for me anymore! Are they getting far from me? Are they try to get rid from me? What's on my mind?
Now, I sure I am thinking of too much beyond what I think of. Seriously? They're not escaped or even get rid from me. After the incident between Howard & me, many friends was support and try to comfort me to calmed down my emotion. Many friends of mine was still cared for me. In the end, we become friends again.
I think I shouldn't think too much. I should put down anything what I think. I'm so sorry to Timun & also all my friends. Message by, Karipap.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Countdown started! 3! 2! 1!地球日正式宣布开始!
我像往常庆祝地球日一样地把所有灯都给关了后,屋子里季呈现一片黑暗。妈妈点燃了蜡烛,好让屋子增添一点儿亮光。然后,我们便坐在客厅一起观赏八度空间播出的节目。过了不久,我便跟随妈妈带着我家的小狗 Bear Bear 一同到外面去溜达。走在灯柱下,我们的影子显得特别清彻。
时光易飞逝 ,转眼间一个小时就过去去了。我家的灯火又开始操作了。虽然目前只有我们这一家举办地球日,不过不要紧,只要能为地球作出一点儿贡献,我就心满意足了。恩平字。
《记得微笑》,它的内容是叙述一个娇生惯养的富家子弟——叶美香的故事。由于父亲生意失败,结果他们一家人被逼搬家。自小活在富裕环境下长大的她一时接受不了这个残酷的事实,对她而言是个巨大的打击。起初, 她还不适应如此一般的生活。同班同学心怡原来住在她家的对面。美香一开始抗拒心怡,后来却渐渐被她的善良和乐观所软化,还演变成她的好朋友呢!开学了,美丽香不想让别人知道自己身在的处境,她担心她的朋友们会排斥她。于是她要求心怡保守秘密,可是她的谎言却想学球越滚越大。。。。
《记得微笑》,它的内容是叙述一个娇生惯养的富家子弟——叶美香的故事。由于父亲生意失败,结果他们一家人被逼搬家。自小活在富裕环境下长大的她一时接受不了这个残酷的事实,对她而言是个巨大的打击。起初, 她还不适应如此一般的生活。同班同学心怡原来住在她家的对面。美香一开始抗拒心怡,后来却渐渐被她的善良和乐观所软化,还演变成她的好朋友呢!开学了,美丽香不想让别人知道自己身在的处境,她担心她的朋友们会排斥她。于是她要求心怡保守秘密,可是她的谎言却想学球越滚越大。。。。
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